Art Abandonment Project and Workshop Seriesartschool

The Art School of Peterborough will be presenting a series of separate workshops for youth, teens, and adults in a variety of mediums. These workshops will allow students the satisfaction of the art-making process itself with the end result showing its effect art has on others. All artwork for this project will be left or abandoned within the community for others to find. Individuals will determine their location of abandonment. It could be a complete act of kindness or for a complete stranger. All artwork will contain a specific tag that will associate the work with Artsweek 2014, The Art School of Peterborough’s Art Abandonment project and a link to facebook and twitter. Participants in this movement do not have to take part in the workshop. Individuals can create within their own spaces and submit to the project as well. Along with this experience of art making, individuals will see the positive effect art can have on themselves, others and the community. This movement will be launched during Artsweek 2014 and will extend into the future

Artsweek workshops – The Art School of Peterborough

Friday Sept 5

Opening – 2-3 pieces released during opening night event

Saturday Sept 6 – 2-3 pieces released

Youth Pottery 10-11:30 with Kristin Drummond

Teen Pottery 12:30-2 with Kristin Drummond

MonsterME Cartooning 12:30-2 with Jason Wilkins

Sunday Sept 7 – 2-3 pieces released

Adult Pottery 1-3:30 with David Baker

Teen Drawing and Painting 1-2:30 with Jenni Johnston

Wire Sculpture 1-3:30 with Lesley Givens

Monday Sept 8 – 2-3 pieces released

Book making 9:30-12 noon with Anne Cavanagh

Adult oil 6-8:30 p.m. with Jenni Johnston

Tuesday Sept 9 – 2-3 pieces released

Drawing: Messages in nature 9:30-12 noon with Anne Cavanagh

Mixed Media Collage 1-3:30 p.m. with Sharon Taylor

Youth Cartooning  6-7:30 p.m. with Jason Wilkins

Intuitive Painting 6- 8:30 with Brianna Gosselin

Wednesday Sept 10 – 2-3 pieces released

Watercolour on Canvas 1-3:30 with Sharon Taylor

Teen iPad art 4:30-6 p.m. with John Kaufman

Adult drawing 6-8:30 p.m. with John Kaufman

Thursday Sept 11 – Public Release

Pen and Ink 1-3:30 with Pam Buckler

To visit The Art School of Peterborough’s website for further information and registration click here.
