A musical tour of East City porches
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Take a tour of East City verandahs and savour this movable feast of live music: Classical, Blues,
Folk Alt, Root Soul and Cajun tunes performed by Rick Fines, Evangeline Gentle,
Paul Clark White, Pays d’en Haut, High & Lonesome (Bobby Watson & Kate Kelly)
and The 3 Martinis. Curated by Washboard Hank & Sweet Muriel
Sunday, September 25, with three tours to choose from at 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm
Begin your tour at Hannamars Bridal, 406 Mark St. Tours conclude at Ashburnham Ale House, 128 Hunter St. E.
Or just pop along to any of these 6 porches on your own:
- 406 Mark St., Hannamars Bridal, Rick Fines (Blues)
- 442 Mark St., Evangeline Gentle (Folk Alt)
- 498 Mark St., Paul Clark White (Classical)
- 496 Rogers St., High & Lonesome Bobby Watson & Kate Kelly (Root Soul)
- 459 Rogers St., Pays d’en Haut (Cajun)
- 128 Hunter St. E., Ashburnham Ale House, The 3 Martinis (comedy song)
Hank & Kristine Fisher, Porchapalooza: Artsweek 2015