Artsweek SHIFT²: The Radio is a Stage

Date: June 6 (broadcast)

A project that will feature collaborations between local artists, creating collaborative audio works, to be broadcast on the airwaves of Trent Radio CFFF 92.7FM.

Call For Artist Applications

Trent Radio seeks applications from local artists working in any discipline to collaborate in 4-person group with the goal to produce a creative radio broadcast. Artists will be compensated financially for their work. This project is funded through Artsweek SHIFT².

Collaboration groups will create a 60-minute radio programme exploring how their individual and combined artistic practices can be expressed audibly, presented on the radio.

Applications will be accepted via email until Friday, May 14
Project timeline will be Sunday, May 30 to Saturday June 5,
with the final broadcast taking place Sunday, June 6.

Please send applications to

Be sure to include your name, artistic practice focus, your ideas for radio presentation – and anything else you would like us to know.

The Radio is a Stage: Broadcast

Date: June 6, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

The final broadcast of Artsweek SHIFT² project The Radio is a Stage takes place on Sunday, June 6.

Trent Radio seeks applications from local artists working in any discipline to collaborate in 4-person group with the goal to produce a creative radio broadcast. Artists will be compensated financially for their work. This project is funded through Artsweek SHIFT².

Collaboration groups will create a 60-minute radio programme exploring how their individual and combined artistic practices can be expressed audibly, presented on the radio.

The Radio is a Stage: Application Deadline

Date: May 14, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Applications for Artsweek SHIFT² project The Radio is a Stage are open until Friday, May 14.

Trent Radio seeks applications from local artists working in any discipline to collaborate in 4-person group with the goal to produce a creative radio broadcast. Artists will be compensated financially for their work. This project is funded through Artsweek SHIFT².

Collaboration groups will create a 60-minute radio programme exploring how their individual and combined artistic practices can be expressed audibly, presented on the radio.
