Call For Applications

Our Call for Applications is open from January 1 – April 1. Application forms are available to download here.

Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions about the application or your project’s eligibility.

About Artsweek Funding

Each year, Artsweek Peterborough distributes a maximum of $18,000 to arts organizations, curators, and collectives to support the creation of new works for presentation during Artsweek.

Each project may apply for a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $5000; projects may be awarded less than the requested amount of funding.

How projects are chosen

Once the call is closed a jury of arts and culture professionals reviews the applications and ranks them numerically.

The Artsweek committee then meets to discuss the rankings, deciding how many projects can receive funding and how much funding they will get. Results are announced each Summer.

What is the jury looking for?

Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to artistic and professional growth, works that engage audiences in an active way, and an approach that embraces innovation and diversity.

Some of the questions the jury considers:

  • Balance and range (with respect to the entire program). Consideration given to medium, origin, location, potential audience, etc.
  • Work is appropriate for presentation in a city sponsored event
  • Artistic merit (high quality work, reflective of current contemporary art)
  • Demonstrated feasibility and execution (delivery, ability to self promote, budget)
  • Impact (audience, community, art)
  • Highly visible
  • Engaging
  • Innovative

 Why doesn’t Artsweek fund individual artists?

Because the goal of Artsweek is to ensure good working conditions for artists, and ensure that their work is presented professionally and seen by a wide audience, Artsweek funds projects that pay artists to do their work, while relying on an organization, collective, or curator to take care of details like venue, presentation, and marketing.
